It is time to look at the DNA sequencing landscape with fresh eyes. For DNA sequencing, this is the year of the big shake-up. From basic biology...
Improvements in HPLC systems are sure to continue, but perhaps not from the direction one would assume. New HPLC systems seem to be more focused on...
“By 2050, the ways in which we watch our health, seek medical advice, get treatment, and what we’re treated for will change dramatically. While it is...
The advantage of automation is that instruments are more powerful, can aggregate data more quickly, and can find analytical insights that otherwise would not be found...
Life sciences companies face distinct challenges with their very visible role in drug pricing and access to medicines, and the pandemic only underscored this focus. Even...
As flow cytometry improved in capability and precision, its applicability to immunologists and cancer researchers grew repidly. However, the best is yet to come! Flow cytometry...
MS is getting bigger and better and is poised to continue to evolve, both in terms of instrumentation and in the range of applications. In clinical...
Instead of being utilized solely for research, less complex tools that rely on cloud computing and AI could change the market. The Covid-19 pandemic underscores a...
The single- and triple-quadrupoles saw traction in 2020 over the other segments. While globally the triple-quadrupoles are increasingly preferred over their single counterparts, India being a...
Sequencing capabilities today are work-in-progress; they are a long way off to where sequencing becomes ubiquitous, comprehensive, and accurate. Forty years ago, the advent of Sanger...
Thanks to modern LC solutions, forward-thinking laboratories are streamlining the movement of both analysts and samples to achieve substantial gains in capacity and efficiency. Chromatography may...
Despite its importance over the past year, PCR advancements are not limited to COVID-19 testing. The technology is continually improving, and researchers are striving to reduce...
CMOS imaging sensors are emerging as an alternative to CCD imaging sensors, owing to their cost-efficient and low-power-consumption advantages. Stakeholders are carefully weighing the pros and...
The genome sequencing exercise, running at a snail’s pace, is expected to gather momentum as the authorities realize the challenges that insufficient sequencing and pathogen surveillance...
As workloads increase and businesses look to expand, analytical laboratories across multiple sectors are turning to the latest HPLC technologies to drive improvements in productivity. The...
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