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Headlines of The Day

Telangana releases Rs 406 crore for remuneration to doctors, other staff

Deputy Chief Minister and Finance Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka announced the disbursement of Rs 406 crore to the director of medical education on Monday. These funds are earmarked for providing stipends and honorariums to senior resident doctors, medical professionals, nursing staff, technicians, and paramedical personnel working under the Directorate of Medical Education.

The government said the allocation is a significant relief measure for the staff members involved. “This step aims to alleviate mental stress among the personnel of the Directorate of Medical Education who tirelessly provide medical services to the underprivileged,” said a release from the office of the finance minister.

The decision to release these funds was reportedly a collaborative effort involving Chief Minister Revanth Reddy and Health Minister Damodara Rajanarsimha, reflecting their commitment to supporting healthcare professionals. This move is expected to bolster morale among medical staff and enhance their ability to deliver essential healthcare services across the state. Deccan Chronicle

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