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Telangana asks Centre to release Rs 693.13 crore pending NHM dues

Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy on Tuesday urged Union Health Minister JP Nadda to release Rs 693.13 crore pending dues to the state under the National Health Mission (NHM).

During the meeting, Reddy informed Nadda about the initiatives taken by the state government to improve the health sector.

He also briefed the Union Minister that the state government has been implementing the Ayushman Bharat guidelines since January this year in Telangana. A total of 5,159 basti dawakhanas (Ayushman Health Centers) were established to extend better health care services to rural and urban people.

The Chief Minister brought to the attention of the Union Health Minister that for the third and fourth quarters of 2023–24, under the NHM scheme, Rs 323.73 crore of dues were still pending.

In a similar instance, he said that the dues pertaining to the first quarter of 2024–25 were pending to the tune of Rs 138 crore. He requested the funds to be released immediately.

Revanth Reddy also asked JP Nadda to reimburse dues worth Rs. 231.40 crore for 2023–2024, which the state government spent on the infrastructure and maintenance component, under the NHM.

Ministers Komatireddy Venkatreddy, P Srinivas Reddy, Rajya Sabha MP Anil Kumar Yadav, and state special representative in New Delhi, AP Jitendar Reddy, were also present at the meeting. India Today

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