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PHC in Tripura’s Gandacherra is on ventilator

The Primary Health Centre (PHC) in Dalpati ADC village under Gandacherra subdivision has reportedly been plagued with various problems.

Since 2015, when the former Health Minister Badal Chowdhury initiated its establishment, the centre has struggled with various problems including staff shortages, electricity and clean water supply.

It was learnt that the primary hospital is currently operating with only one doctor, two MPW and two GDA staff members.

Despite serving approximately 10 thousand residents from villages like Kalyan Singh, Bhagirath and Ratannagar, the hospital has been facing a severe shortage of healthcare workers, the locals claimed.

According to the locals, due to the absence of proper medical facilities at the said PHC, the patients in the remote areas have to travel 20 to 25 kilometers to reach Gandacherra hospital for medical services.

Besides, the PHC does not have any pharmacist, blood technician and ambulance services.

Moreover, the PHC is reportedly suffering from frequent power outages, although it has solar lighting.

Besides, the road leading to the hospital is also left in bad condition which is increasing the suffering of the patients.

Despite substantial government spending on hospital infrastructure, the local community continues to suffer due to staff shortages.

The locals raised their demand for urgent recruitment of healthcare workers to ensure adequate service provision. Tripura Times

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